In the event of an emergency, the top priority is keeping your family safe. Being prepared will help you avoid panic and stay calm. Creating a Fire Escape Plan and packing an Emergency Kit is the most effective way to prepare yourself for an emergency. It only takes a few simple steps to keep your family safe during an emergency.

Some Important Links about being prepared:

How to Drive Safely Before, During and After a Storm

Disaster Safety for Construction Sites

How to Talk Emergency and End of Life with Your Family

Organize and Prepare for Disasters

Emergency Preparedness for Seniors

Fire Escape Plan

What would you do if there was a fire in your home? It’s important to get out fast! Never hide or take time to gather up your belongings.

Fires are scary and confusing. They can be loud, burn very fast, and their smoke can make a room or home very dark. It helps to have a plan so you’ll know what to do to get out of your home!

Making escape plans help you get out of your home quickly in case of a fire. The best plans have two ways to get out of each room. If one way is blocked by the fire, you can get out the other way. When escaping, stay low to the floor. Smoke rises during a fire. The safest air is down low.

Other Emergencies

Your home and family can be affected by other unexpected emergencies, such as hurricanes, flooding or loss of power. Keeping an emergency kit stocked and ready can help your family when you need it most.