Ludlow Fire Department Community Risk Reduction Program

The Ludlow Fire department started the development of this program to “reduce risks” to our citizens, visitors and emergency responders. We will work in conjunction with other groups in the community to get messages out on certain topics that the fire department deems appropriate. We will work to educate the community on fire safety and prevention.

The fire department will put out quarterly messages using our Facebook page: Ludlow Vermont Fire Department, The fire department website: and other methods of communications as needed.

The Ludlow Fire Department is excited to begin this work to make a safer community. We look forward to working with anyone that is eager to be part of this effort. A safer community makes all of us safer.

The Ludlow Fire Department

E911 House Numbers

The Ludlow Fire Department has started a community risk reduction program. We have come to notice that many E911 address number signs are not displayed correctly or are not there at all. We are here to help get the numbers displayed correctly.

On January 31, 2003, The Board of Selectmen of Ludlow Vermont Adopted an ordinance entitled Enhanced 911. The ordinance was adopted to enable emergency services to effectively locate addresses during an emergency. Please review the ordinance.

If you are unsure, if you have the correct number or are missing your E911 numbers please contact planning and zoning at 37 Depot St. or call them at 802-228-2845.

 In the ordinance it mentions that the numbers need to be seen from the road. Please keep in mind, if they can’t be seen at night, emergency services may be delayed. We see too many of these numbers on the house too far from the road to be seen. The fire department would like the numbers to be at the end of the driveway by the road. This makes a difference to us when responding, knowing we have the right place. Please help us so there is no delay!

There is usually someone at the fire station Tuesday nights at 7PM and Sunday mornings around 9AM if you have any questions or would like just to stop in. You can also call us at these times 802-228-2211.

The Ludlow Fire Department looks forward to working with you to get the numbers displayed correctly to help all of us. Please help us reduce the risk of delay when responding.


Article 1. Purpose

1.01 The Town of Ludlow Board of Selectmen hereby establishes the following ordinance in order to develop a more uniform street addressing and a uniform private road naming system throughout the Town of Ludlow to enable people to locate addresses effectively for emergency services.

Article 2. Designation of Street Numbers

2.01 The Town of Ludlow in accordance with the State of Vermont Enhanced 9-1-1 Board addressing standards shall assign street numbers for dwelling units and places of business on all public and private roads.

2.02 The Town of Ludlow shall keep a record of all numbers assigned under this ordinance. These records will be maintained in the Planning Services Office for public viewing

Article 3. Posting of Designated Street Address

3.01 The property owner of record of any building to which a number has been assigned, will be notified by the Town of Ludlow of the number assigned, following adoption of this ordinance.

3.02 Within 60 (sixty) days after the receipt of such notification from the E911 Coordinator, the property owner of record of any building to which a number has been assigned shall affix the number to the structure, if visible from the road, or to a sign or number post if not visible from the road, in such a way that the numbers can be clearly seen from the roadway.

3.03 It shall be the duty of such property owner upon affixing the assigned number, to remove any different number it might be mistaken for or confused with. The number assigned to said structure by the Town of Ludlow will be the only number affixed to the structure.

3.04 The assigned number shall be displayed and visible from the road frontage as reflected on the Town of Ludlow Tax records and grand list. In case where more than one business or family dwelling occupies a principal building, each separate front entrance will display a separate number and affix a letter suffix assigned by the Town of Ludlow.

3.05 Numerals indicating the assigned numbers shall be legible and distinguishable from the street on which the property is located. All such numerals shall be affixed, painted or applied to visibly contrast with the background color, said numerals shall be at a minimum of two inches (2) in height.

Article 4. New Structures

4.01 Numbers will be assigned to each new structure after the Town of Ludlow Planning & Zoning department has approved the zoning application.

Article 5. Naming of Private Roadways

5.01 Under current State of Vermont Enhanced 9-1-1 Board addressing standards, any private roadway with three (3) or businesses or residences must be given a road name.

5.02 The owner of any residence or business on the affected roadway will submit three (3) proposed road names to the Town of Ludlow.

5.03 The Board of Selectmen, on the advice of the Town of Ludlow 911 Director, will assign a road name that is separate and distinct from any previously assigned name in the Town of Ludlow. Furthermore the Board of Selectmen may change names of roads, both public and private, (after a duly warned meeting) within the Town of Ludlow when necessary to promote public safety.

5.04 Within sixty (60) days after the approval of the road name, the residents or business owners will erect a street sign at the intersection of the town/village roadway and the private road.

5.05 The street name sign shall be purchased from a road sign vendor approved by the Town of Ludlow. In the case of a private road sign the E-911 3 abbreviation “pvt” will be at the right hand corner of the sign. (street sign manufacturer information available in Planning & zoning Dept).

5.06 All costs associated with private signs will be the responsibility of the private landowners.

Article 6. Penalties

6.01 In the event that the property owner of record refuses to comply with the terms of this ordinance by failing to affix the assigned number within sixty (60) days after notification, or by failing, within said period of sixty (60) days to remove any old numbers affixed to said property, which may be confused with the assigned number will be subject to prosecution.

6.02 In the event that the property owners of a private road refuses to comply with the terms of this ordinance by failing to erect a street name sign within sixty (60) days after notification will be subject to prosecution.

6.03 (c) Any person, business, or institution determined to have violated any provision of this ordinance may be punished by a civil fine not to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for each violation and, in case of a continuing violation, not more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each succeeding day for each violation, as specified by Vermont Statues.

Article 7. Enforcement

7.01 This ordinance is designated as a Civil Ordinance, pursuant to 24 V.S.A. 1971 (b). Any issuing municipal official may enforce this ordinance, by issuing a Municipal Complaint under 24 V.S.A. 1977 (a).

7.02 Prosecution of any violation of this Ordinance shall be undertaken by either the enforcement officer or a representative designated by the Town of Ludlow in the Vermont Municipal Traffic or Ordinance Bureau.

Article 8. Severability

8.01 If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance, or any part thereof, is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid or ineffective by any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining portions of this ordinance or any part thereof. The Board of Selectmen hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared E-911 4 unconstitutional or ineffective.

Article 9. Publication and Effective Date

9.01 This Ordinance is hereby adopted by the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Ludlow on this second day of December, 2002, unless a petition is filed by law, become effective upon the expiration of sixty (60) days after said date. The petition should be addressed to the Selectmen and should be signed by at least five percent (5%) of the qualified voters of this municipality, and should ask for a special meeting to be called on the question of disapproving the ordinance.

Questions about the ordinance may be directed to the Municipal Manager, Ludlow, Vermont, or by calling telephone number (802) 228-2841.

The foregoing ordinance is hereby adopted by the Select Board of the Town of Ludlow, Vermont, this second day of December, 2002.


Howard Barton, Jr.
John Neal
Jay Jurkoic
Bruce Schmidt
Brett Sanderson

ARTICLE 9 above is amended to read:

9.01 No section of this ordinance shall be construed to supersede or replace any Vermont statute.

9.02 This ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Select Board meeting, and posted in at least five (5) conspicuous places within the Town of Ludlow and published in a newspaper circulating in the Town on a day not more than fourteen (14) days following the date when the ordinance is so adopted.

9.03 This ordinance will become effective on May 17, 2008 sixty (60) days after the date of its adoption by the Select Board, unless a petition is filed with the Town Clerk by April 5, 2008, forty-four (44) days after the date of its adoption. The petition should be addressed to the Select Board, should be signed by at least five percent (5%) of the qualified voters of this municipality, and should ask for a special meeting to be called on the question of disapproving the ordinance.

The foregoing ordinance is hereby re-adopted by the Select Board of the Town of Ludlow, Vermont on this seventeenth day of March, 2008.

Howard Barton, Jr., Chair
John Neal, Vice Chair
Brett Sanderson
Bruce Schmidt
Earl Washburn